Monday, November 29, 2010


As most of you already know, I have started a food blog.  I am super excited about it because 1) I LOVE to cook! 2) I have very stong beliefs that sitting down as a family for supper is one of the most effective ways to stay close as a family and on top of what your kids are up to 3) Cooking for my family makes me proud.  It is one way I show my family I love them and care about them. But I also know how cooking dinner every night gets boring and repetitive when you are making the same things over and over again.  So I want to help make it more exciting for you by giving you all some different ideas.  I will be posting my favorite fun, different, mostly "normal" recipes that I love to make for my family and I want to share them with you.  Here is a link Meal Makin Momma.  Go there and "LIKE" it along with my Meal Makin Momma facebook page.  And PLEASE if you have something delicious that you would like to share, I am ALWAYS up for new ideas.


Calie Wall said...

You are inspiring me to do more cooking(when my oven decides to work!) And I am loving it! I made a wild rice chicken soup tonight that was so good! You of course would add to it and make it amazing! Love your page and blog!

CEltonMomma said...

Yeah! Your mom told me about that soup. I need to try it! Okay you should really do a tiny little blog with a link to Meal Makin Momma's blog... just sayin. ;-)