Monday, February 16, 2009

Steele Cut His Foot Bad!

My poor little guy cut his little toes tonight BAD! I felt so bad for him. Jed Doctored him up though. We didn't have any athletic tape so of course Duct Tape worked just great! There was so much blood dripping from his foot... poor little thing :-(
He was seriously SO tuff! He really hardly ever cries when he gets hurt but tonight he really surprised me. He just whined a bit when Jed was touching his toe other than that he was just saying "Steeley Bob Steeley Bob Steeley Bob" That's what Uncle Rhett calls him and he has been saying it all day.


Lori said...

Poor sweet baby!! It's so sad when they get hurt.

Sunny said...

my poor little man!!! i'll have to kiss your toes when I see them! I love you steeley willey! I hate it when they get hurt Crew was on the treadmill at my brothers and it shot him into the wall & he was stuck & it burned the skin right off his toes and all up his legs. it makes ya feel so bad when they get hurt!

J.E. said...

Ohhhh. So sorry for the little guy. I can hardly stand it when Finn hurts himself. And you can't do anything to make it better.
I'm totally laughing at the "steely Bob" name. That's too cute!